O aspektach wychowania wielojęzycznych dzieci przez pryzmat kolejności urodzenia (perspektywa rodziców)
Tom 32 (2018): Socjolingwistyka
Uważa się, że liczba osób wielojęzycznych przewyższa liczbę jednojęzycznych w populacji światowej, co czyni badania nad różnymi aspektami wielojęzyczności szczególnie wartościowymi. W niniejszym artykule pragniemy poruszyć temat wychowania wielojęzycznego rodzeństwa w zależności od kolejności urodzenia się dzieci w danej rodzinie. Rodzice, jako podstawowi wychowawcy w ramach socjalizacji pierwotnej, także językowej, odgrywają bez wątpienia decydującą rolę w zaplanowaniu rozwoju wczesnej wielojęzyczności swojego potomstwa i zmienne takie jak wielkość rodziny (dwoje dzieci lub więcej) i kolejność urodzenia wydają się mieć istotne znaczenie. W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono najważniejsze różnice, elementy ułatwiające oraz trudności i wyzwania zgłaszane przez rodziców wielojęzycznych dzieci i młodzieży, w tym zmiany w postawie rodzicielskiej, wdrażanie nowych strategii, czynnik doświadczenia oraz zgromadzonych zasobów, pozycja i funkcja dziecka pierworodnego i inne. Wyniki badań mogą zainteresować zarówno językoznawców jak i rodziców zastanawiających się, jak zbudować wielojęzyczną rodzinę.
Słowa kluczowe
- Aronin L., Singleton D. 2008: Multilingualism as a new linguistic dispensation, International Journal of Multilingualism 5, 1–16.
- Aronin L., Singleton D. 2012: Multilingualism, Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Atkinson A.L. 2016: Does Bilingualism Delay the Development of Dementia?, Journal of European Psychology Students 7(1), 43–50.
- Baker C. 2014: A parents’ and teachers’ guide to bilingualism, Bristol–Buffalo–Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
- Barron-Hauwaert S. 2011: Bilingual Siblings: Language Use in Families (Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide), Bristol–Buffalo–Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
- Berglund E., Eriksson M., Westerlund M. 2005: Communicative skills in relation to gender, birth order, childcare and socioeconomic status in 18-month-old children, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 46, 485–491.
- Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. 2013: Introduction, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (eds), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, New York: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, xxi–xxiii.
- Bialystok E. 2001: Bilingualism in development: Language, Literacy, Cognition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bialystok E., Craik F.I.M., Freedman M. 2010: Delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease: Bilingualism as a form of cognitive reserve, Neurology 75(19), 1726–1729.
- Bialystok E., Craik F.I.M., Ryan J. 2006: Executive control in a modified anti-saccade task: Effects of aging and bilingualism, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32, 1341–1354.
- Bialystok E., Luk G., Craik F.I.M. 2009: Cognitive Control and Lexical Access in Younger and Older Bilinguals, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 34(4), 859–873.
- Bialystok E., Luk G., Craik F.I.M., Grady C.L. 2011: Lifelong Bilingualism Maintains White Matter Integrity in Older Adults, The Journal of Neuroscience 31(46), 16808–16813
- Bialystok E., Schweizer T.A., Ware J., Fischer C.E., Craik F.I.M. 2010: Bilingualism as a contributor to cognitive reserve: Evidence from brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease, Cortex 48(8), 991–996.
- Bialystok E., Sullivan M.D. (eds) 2017: Growing Old with Two Languages: Effects of Bilingualism on Cognitive Aging (Studies in Bilingualism), Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing House.
- Blackledge A., Creese A. 2010: Multilingualism: A Critical Perspective, London: Continuum International.
- Bornstein M.H., Leach D.B., Haynes O.M. 2004: Vocabulary competence in first- and secondborn siblings of the same chronological age, Journal of Child Language 31, 855–873.
- Bridges K., Hoff E. 2014: Older sibling influences on the language environment and language development of toddlers in bilingual homes, Applied Psycholinguistics 35, 225–241.
- Burck Ch. 2007: Multilingual Living, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ceroz J. 2013: Defining Multilingualism, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 3, 3–18. Franceschini R. 2013: History of multilingualism, [in:] Chapelle C.A. (ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, New York: Blackwell Publishing, 4–8.
- David A., Wei L. 2008: Individual differences in the lexical development of French-English bilingual children, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 11, 598–618.
- Edwards J. 2013: Bilingualism and Multilingualism: Some central conceptions, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (eds), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, New York: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 5–25.
- Flora C. 2010: Double talk, Psychology Today 11/12, 70–80.
- Grosjean F., Ping L. (eds) 2013: The psycholinguistics of bilingualism, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing.
- Hoff-Ginsberg E. 1998: The relation of birth order and socioeconomic status to children’s language experience and language development, Applied Psycholinguistics 19, 603–629.
- Iacovou M. 2007: Family size, birth order, and educational attainment, Marriage and Family Review 42, 35–57.
- Jarvis S., Pavlenko A. 2008: Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition, London: Routledge.
- Keller K., Troesch L.M., Grob A. 2015: First-born siblings show better second language skills than later born siblings, Frontiers in Psychology 6, 705–715.
- Leva B. 2011: How language shapes thought, Scientific America 304(2), 62–65.
- Molinelli P. (ed.) 2017: Language and Identity in Multilingual Mediterranean Settings. Challenges for Historical Sociolinguistics, Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
- Odlin T. 2005: Crosslinguistic Influence And Conceptual Transfer: What Are The Concepts?, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 25, 3–25.
- Oshima-Takane Y., Goodz E., Derevensky J.L. 1996: Birth order effects on early language development: do secondborn children learn from overheard speech? Child Development 67, 621–634.
- Pavlenko A. 2014: The Bilingual Mind: And What It Tells Us About Language and Thought, New York: Cambrigde University Press.
- Pine J.M. 1995: Variation in vocabulary development as a function of birth-order, Child Development 66, 272–281.
- Shin S.J. 2002: Birth order and the language experience of bilingual children, Tesol Quarterly 36(1), 103–113.
- Spolsky B. 1998: Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Stavans A., Hoffmann Ch. 2015: Multilingualism. Key topics in sociolinguistics, Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press.
- Sundet J.M., Eriksen W., Borren I., Tamsb K. 2010: The Flynn effect in sibships: investigating the role of age differences between siblings, Intelligence 38, 38–44.
- Wei L. 2013: Conceptual and methodological issues in bilingualism and multilingualism research, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (ed.), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 26–51.
- Yip V., Matthews S. 2007: The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Zambrana I.M., Ystrom E., Pons F. 2012: Impact of gender, maternal education, and birth order on the development of language comprehension: a longitudinal study from 18 to 36 months of age, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 33, 146–155.
Aronin L., Singleton D. 2008: Multilingualism as a new linguistic dispensation, International Journal of Multilingualism 5, 1–16.
Aronin L., Singleton D. 2012: Multilingualism, Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Atkinson A.L. 2016: Does Bilingualism Delay the Development of Dementia?, Journal of European Psychology Students 7(1), 43–50.
Baker C. 2014: A parents’ and teachers’ guide to bilingualism, Bristol–Buffalo–Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
Barron-Hauwaert S. 2011: Bilingual Siblings: Language Use in Families (Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide), Bristol–Buffalo–Toronto: Multilingual Matters.
Berglund E., Eriksson M., Westerlund M. 2005: Communicative skills in relation to gender, birth order, childcare and socioeconomic status in 18-month-old children, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 46, 485–491.
Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. 2013: Introduction, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (eds), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, New York: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, xxi–xxiii.
Bialystok E. 2001: Bilingualism in development: Language, Literacy, Cognition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bialystok E., Craik F.I.M., Freedman M. 2010: Delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease: Bilingualism as a form of cognitive reserve, Neurology 75(19), 1726–1729.
Bialystok E., Craik F.I.M., Ryan J. 2006: Executive control in a modified anti-saccade task: Effects of aging and bilingualism, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 32, 1341–1354.
Bialystok E., Luk G., Craik F.I.M. 2009: Cognitive Control and Lexical Access in Younger and Older Bilinguals, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition 34(4), 859–873.
Bialystok E., Luk G., Craik F.I.M., Grady C.L. 2011: Lifelong Bilingualism Maintains White Matter Integrity in Older Adults, The Journal of Neuroscience 31(46), 16808–16813
Bialystok E., Schweizer T.A., Ware J., Fischer C.E., Craik F.I.M. 2010: Bilingualism as a contributor to cognitive reserve: Evidence from brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease, Cortex 48(8), 991–996.
Bialystok E., Sullivan M.D. (eds) 2017: Growing Old with Two Languages: Effects of Bilingualism on Cognitive Aging (Studies in Bilingualism), Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing House.
Blackledge A., Creese A. 2010: Multilingualism: A Critical Perspective, London: Continuum International.
Bornstein M.H., Leach D.B., Haynes O.M. 2004: Vocabulary competence in first- and secondborn siblings of the same chronological age, Journal of Child Language 31, 855–873.
Bridges K., Hoff E. 2014: Older sibling influences on the language environment and language development of toddlers in bilingual homes, Applied Psycholinguistics 35, 225–241.
Burck Ch. 2007: Multilingual Living, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ceroz J. 2013: Defining Multilingualism, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 3, 3–18. Franceschini R. 2013: History of multilingualism, [in:] Chapelle C.A. (ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, New York: Blackwell Publishing, 4–8.
David A., Wei L. 2008: Individual differences in the lexical development of French-English bilingual children, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 11, 598–618.
Edwards J. 2013: Bilingualism and Multilingualism: Some central conceptions, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (eds), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, New York: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 5–25.
Flora C. 2010: Double talk, Psychology Today 11/12, 70–80.
Grosjean F., Ping L. (eds) 2013: The psycholinguistics of bilingualism, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing.
Hoff-Ginsberg E. 1998: The relation of birth order and socioeconomic status to children’s language experience and language development, Applied Psycholinguistics 19, 603–629.
Iacovou M. 2007: Family size, birth order, and educational attainment, Marriage and Family Review 42, 35–57.
Jarvis S., Pavlenko A. 2008: Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition, London: Routledge.
Keller K., Troesch L.M., Grob A. 2015: First-born siblings show better second language skills than later born siblings, Frontiers in Psychology 6, 705–715.
Leva B. 2011: How language shapes thought, Scientific America 304(2), 62–65.
Molinelli P. (ed.) 2017: Language and Identity in Multilingual Mediterranean Settings. Challenges for Historical Sociolinguistics, Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
Odlin T. 2005: Crosslinguistic Influence And Conceptual Transfer: What Are The Concepts?, Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 25, 3–25.
Oshima-Takane Y., Goodz E., Derevensky J.L. 1996: Birth order effects on early language development: do secondborn children learn from overheard speech? Child Development 67, 621–634.
Pavlenko A. 2014: The Bilingual Mind: And What It Tells Us About Language and Thought, New York: Cambrigde University Press.
Pine J.M. 1995: Variation in vocabulary development as a function of birth-order, Child Development 66, 272–281.
Shin S.J. 2002: Birth order and the language experience of bilingual children, Tesol Quarterly 36(1), 103–113.
Spolsky B. 1998: Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stavans A., Hoffmann Ch. 2015: Multilingualism. Key topics in sociolinguistics, Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press.
Sundet J.M., Eriksen W., Borren I., Tamsb K. 2010: The Flynn effect in sibships: investigating the role of age differences between siblings, Intelligence 38, 38–44.
Wei L. 2013: Conceptual and methodological issues in bilingualism and multilingualism research, [in:] Bhatia T.K., Ritchie W.C. (ed.), The handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 26–51.
Yip V., Matthews S. 2007: The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zambrana I.M., Ystrom E., Pons F. 2012: Impact of gender, maternal education, and birth order on the development of language comprehension: a longitudinal study from 18 to 36 months of age, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 33, 146–155.