About Journal
Socjolingwistyka is an open access yearbook dedicated to the issues at the interface between linguistics and other disciplines with the humanities and social sciences, especially sociology, cultural anthropology, literary studies and political science. It covers wide range of interdisciplinary issues, such as: the development of language from the social, cultural and political perspective; position of sociolinguistics and language sociology among other disciplines; discourse as a language and social practice, sociolinguistics’ research methodology; situation and status of languages, national and ethnic minorities, language policy, multilingualism; sociolects, idiolects, language in urban and rural environment; registers and styles of language and literature.
The Editorial Board accepts for publication original works, not previously published in other journals or conference materials, dealing with linguistics or the cross-section of linguistics and humanities and social sciences. Articles should be of research and scholarly nature. Review articles written to create new syntheses or generalizations can also be submitted. The journal also publishes reports from national and international conferences as well as reviews of scholarly publications. From issue 29 (2015) on, the journal publishes texts written in either Polish or English.
License policy: From 2020, the journal publishes scholarly articles under a Creative Commons licence Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-ND 4.0) 
Current ministerial score: as of 2019: 70 points.
The journal is listed on ERIH Plus
The journal is indexed in databases: CEJSH, DOAJ, PBN/Pol-index, BazHum
Project financed under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Support for scientific journals".