Ewolucja odmian kręgu zewnętrznego: nigeryjska odmiana języka angielskiego
Kontakt: Mayowa Akinlotan
Tom 33 (2019): Socjolingwistyka
Artykuł przybliża najważniejsze kierunki w badaniach oraz sposobach konceptualizowania odmian językaangielskiego z całego świata. Przybliżono tło filozoficzne istniejących odmian języka angielskiego, zaprezentowano także powszechne problemy związane z ich kształtowaniem się. W artykule omówiono modeltrzech kręgów Kachru, koncepcję cytowaną i po wielekroć analizowaną w literaturze językoznawczej. Pokazanoznaczenie, jakie miało przypisanie odmian języka angielskiego do trzech różnych stadiów rozwoju.Autor omawia także Mapę Światowego Angielskiego, model, któremu nie poświęcono jeszcze dość uwagiw literaturze naukowej, biorący pod uwagę elementy brakujące w koncepcji trzech kręgów. Wkładem autorado badań nad odmianami języka angielskiego jest zaproponowany przez niego model, w którym ewolucjazewnętrznych odmian języka angielskiego jest ukazana z perspektywy nigeryjskiej odmiany języka angielskiego. Innymi słowy, wydarzenia historyczne wpływające na rozwój nigeryjskiego angielskiego są podobne do tych, pod wpływem których kształtowały się takie odmiany jak indyjska, singapurska czy ta używana w Ghanie, oczywiście poza specyficznymi dla tych krajów zdarzeniami społeczno-politycznymi, którejednak są mniej istotne dla rozwoju języka na przestrzeni lat.
Słowa kluczowe
- Achebe C. 1958: Things Fall Apart, Portsmouth: Heinemann.
- Achebe C. 1965: English and the African Writer, Transition 18, 27–30.
- Achebe C. 1966: A Man of the People, Portsmouth: Heinemann.
- Akinlotan M. 2016a: Genitive alternation in New Englishes: the case of Nigerian English, A Journal of English Linguistics 5, 59–73.
- Akinlotan M. 2016b: The Effects of Structure and Proficiency on Determiner Number (Dis)agreement in Nigerian Noun Phrase, [in:] Moreno Ortiz A., Perez-Hernandez C. (eds.), Proceedings of the CILC 2016 8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, Malaga: Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics, 1–8, <http://easychair.org/publications/paper/> [1.04.2016].
- Akinlotan M., Housen A. 2017: Noun Phrase Complexity in Nigerian English: Syntactic Function and Length Outweigh Genre in Predicting Noun Phrase Complexity, English Today 33(3), 1–8.
- Akinlotan M. 2017: Predicting Definite Article Usages in New Englishes: Variety Outweighs Genre and Syntactic Function in Nigerian English, Anglica: an international Journal of English Studies 26(2), 101–121.
- Akinlotan M. 2018: A Corpus-Based Study of the Structure of the Noun Phrase in Nigerian English, PhD thesis: Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
- Alo M., Rajend M. 2008: Nigerian English: Morphology and Syntax. Varieties of English. Africa, South and Southeast Asia, [in:] Rajend M. (ed.), Varieties of English. Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 323–339.
- Banjo A. 1971: Towards a definition of “Standard Nigerian English Spoken English”, [in:] Actes du 8e Congrès de la Société Linguistique de l’Afrique Occidentale, Abidjan: University of Abidjan.
- Bailey R.W., Görlach M. (eds.) 1982: English as World Language, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Baldeh F. 1990: Better English Language Learning and Teaching, Nsukka: Fulladu Publ. Company.
- Bamgbose A. 1971: The English Language in Nigeria, [in:] Spencer J. (ed.), The English Language in West Africa, London: Longman, 35–48.
- Berlage E. 2014: Noun Phrase Complexity in English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Brunner T. 2014: Structural Nativization, Typology and Complexity: Noun Phrase Structures in British, Kenyan and Singaporean English, English Language and Linguistics 18, 23–48.
- Foley J. (ed.) 1988: New Englishes: The Case of Singapore, Singapore: Singapore University Press.
- Görlach M. 1998: Varieties of English World-Wide: Where We Stand, Links & Letters 5, 13–36.
- Görlach M. 1990: Studies in the History of the English Language, Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
- Kachru B.B. 1965: The Indianness in Indian English, Word 21, 391–410.
- Kachru B.B. 1982: The Other Tongue. English Across Cultures, Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
- Kachru B.B. 1985: Standards, codification, and sociolinguistic realism: The English language in the outer circle, [in:] Quirk R., Widdowson H. (eds.), English in the World: Teaching and Learning the language and the literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 38–42.
- Kachru B.B. 1986: The alchemy of English: The spread, function, and models in nonnative English, Oxford: Oxford University Press–Illini Press.
- Kachru B.B. 1996: World English: Agony and Ecstasy, Journal of Aesthetic Education 2, 135–155.
- Kachru B.B. 1997: World Englishes 2000: Resources for research and teaching, [in:] Smith L.E., Forman M.L. (eds.), World Englishes 2000, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 209–251.
- Kachru Y. 2003: On Definite Reference in World Englishes, World Englishes 22, 497–510.
- Kirkpatrick A. 2007: World Englishes: implications for international communication and English language teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kortmann B., Benedikt S. 2005: Global Synopsis: Morphological and Syntactic Variation in English, [in:] Kortmann B., Schneider E., Burridge K., Mesthire R., Upton C. (eds.), A Handbook of Varieties of English, Vol. 2: Morphology and Syntax, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1142–1202.
- Kperogi A.F. 2015: Glocal English: The Changing Face and Forms of Nigerian English in a Global World, New York: Peter Lang Inc Publishers.
- Lamidi M.T. 2007: The Noun Phrase Structure in Nigerian English, Studia Anglica Posnaniesia 42, 238–250.
- Leap W. 1993: American Indian English, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
- Lin D., Johanna L.G. 2002: Acquisition of the Article by Non-native Speakers of English: An Analysis of Four Non Generic Uses, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 24, 1–26.
- Master P. 1987: Generic the in Scientific American, ESP Journal 6(3), 165–186, <http://www.nairaland.com/> [1.04.2016].
- McArthur A. 1987: “The English Languages?”, English Today 11, 9–13.
- Mesthrie R., Bhatt R.M. 2008: World Englishes: The study of new linguistic varieties, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Modiano M. 1999: Standard English(es) and educational practices for the world’s lingua franca, English Today 15(4), 3–13.
- Ogu J. 1992: A Historical Survey of English and the Nigerian Situation, Lagos: Kraft Books Ltd.
- Omodiaogbe S.A. 1992: 150 Years on English in the Nigerian School System – Past, Present and Future, ELT Journal 46(1), 19–28, <http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/elt/46.1.19> [1.04.2016].
- Omolewa M. 1979: The Emergence of Non-Standard English in Nigeria 1842–1926, [in:] Ubahakwe E. (ed.), Varieties and Functions of The English Language in Nigeria, Lagos: African Universities Press, 14–26.
- Phillipson R.H.L. 1992: Linguistic Imperialism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Platt J., Weber H., Ho M.L. 1984: The New Englishes, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- Ridwan W. 2013: Definite article usage across varieties of English, World Englishes 32, 23–41.
- Sand A. 2004: Shared morpho-syntactic features in contact varieties of English: Article use, World Englishes 23, 281–298.
- Schmied J. 1991: English in Africa, London: Longman.
- Schneider E.W. 2003: The dynamics of New Englishes: From identity construction to dialect birth, Language 79(2), 233–281.
- Schneider E.W. 2007: Postcolonial English: Varieties around the world, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Schneider E.W. 2014: New reflections on the evolutionary dynamics of world Englishes, World Englishes 33(1), 9–32.
- Schneider E.W. 2017: Models of English in the World, [in:] Klemola J., Filppula M., Sharma D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Sharma D. 2005: Language Transfer and Discourse Universals in Indian English Article Use, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 27, 535–566.
- Smith A.M. 1978: The Papua New Guinea Dialect of English, Port Moresby: UPNG Educational Research Unit.
- Smith L. 1976: English as an International Auxiliary Language, RELC Journal 2, 38–42.
- Soyinka W. 1962: The Lion and the Jewel, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Strevens P. 1977: Teaching English as an International Language, Oxford: Pergamon.
- Tutuola A. 1952: The Palm-Wine Drinkard, New York: Grove Press.
- Wahid R. 2013: Definite Article Usage Across Varieties of English, World Englishes 32(1), 23–41.
- Walsh N. 1967: Distinguishing Types and varieties of English in Nigeria, Journal of the Nigerian English studies association 2(2), 47–55.
Achebe C. 1958: Things Fall Apart, Portsmouth: Heinemann.
Achebe C. 1965: English and the African Writer, Transition 18, 27–30.
Achebe C. 1966: A Man of the People, Portsmouth: Heinemann.
Akinlotan M. 2016a: Genitive alternation in New Englishes: the case of Nigerian English, A Journal of English Linguistics 5, 59–73.
Akinlotan M. 2016b: The Effects of Structure and Proficiency on Determiner Number (Dis)agreement in Nigerian Noun Phrase, [in:] Moreno Ortiz A., Perez-Hernandez C. (eds.), Proceedings of the CILC 2016 8th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, Malaga: Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics, 1–8, <http://easychair.org/publications/paper/> [1.04.2016].
Akinlotan M., Housen A. 2017: Noun Phrase Complexity in Nigerian English: Syntactic Function and Length Outweigh Genre in Predicting Noun Phrase Complexity, English Today 33(3), 1–8.
Akinlotan M. 2017: Predicting Definite Article Usages in New Englishes: Variety Outweighs Genre and Syntactic Function in Nigerian English, Anglica: an international Journal of English Studies 26(2), 101–121.
Akinlotan M. 2018: A Corpus-Based Study of the Structure of the Noun Phrase in Nigerian English, PhD thesis: Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
Alo M., Rajend M. 2008: Nigerian English: Morphology and Syntax. Varieties of English. Africa, South and Southeast Asia, [in:] Rajend M. (ed.), Varieties of English. Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 323–339.
Banjo A. 1971: Towards a definition of “Standard Nigerian English Spoken English”, [in:] Actes du 8e Congrès de la Société Linguistique de l’Afrique Occidentale, Abidjan: University of Abidjan.
Bailey R.W., Görlach M. (eds.) 1982: English as World Language, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Baldeh F. 1990: Better English Language Learning and Teaching, Nsukka: Fulladu Publ. Company.
Bamgbose A. 1971: The English Language in Nigeria, [in:] Spencer J. (ed.), The English Language in West Africa, London: Longman, 35–48.
Berlage E. 2014: Noun Phrase Complexity in English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brunner T. 2014: Structural Nativization, Typology and Complexity: Noun Phrase Structures in British, Kenyan and Singaporean English, English Language and Linguistics 18, 23–48.
Foley J. (ed.) 1988: New Englishes: The Case of Singapore, Singapore: Singapore University Press.
Görlach M. 1998: Varieties of English World-Wide: Where We Stand, Links & Letters 5, 13–36.
Görlach M. 1990: Studies in the History of the English Language, Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
Kachru B.B. 1965: The Indianness in Indian English, Word 21, 391–410.
Kachru B.B. 1982: The Other Tongue. English Across Cultures, Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Kachru B.B. 1985: Standards, codification, and sociolinguistic realism: The English language in the outer circle, [in:] Quirk R., Widdowson H. (eds.), English in the World: Teaching and Learning the language and the literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 38–42.
Kachru B.B. 1986: The alchemy of English: The spread, function, and models in nonnative English, Oxford: Oxford University Press–Illini Press.
Kachru B.B. 1996: World English: Agony and Ecstasy, Journal of Aesthetic Education 2, 135–155.
Kachru B.B. 1997: World Englishes 2000: Resources for research and teaching, [in:] Smith L.E., Forman M.L. (eds.), World Englishes 2000, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 209–251.
Kachru Y. 2003: On Definite Reference in World Englishes, World Englishes 22, 497–510.
Kirkpatrick A. 2007: World Englishes: implications for international communication and English language teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kortmann B., Benedikt S. 2005: Global Synopsis: Morphological and Syntactic Variation in English, [in:] Kortmann B., Schneider E., Burridge K., Mesthire R., Upton C. (eds.), A Handbook of Varieties of English, Vol. 2: Morphology and Syntax, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1142–1202.
Kperogi A.F. 2015: Glocal English: The Changing Face and Forms of Nigerian English in a Global World, New York: Peter Lang Inc Publishers.
Lamidi M.T. 2007: The Noun Phrase Structure in Nigerian English, Studia Anglica Posnaniesia 42, 238–250.
Leap W. 1993: American Indian English, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Lin D., Johanna L.G. 2002: Acquisition of the Article by Non-native Speakers of English: An Analysis of Four Non Generic Uses, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 24, 1–26.
Master P. 1987: Generic the in Scientific American, ESP Journal 6(3), 165–186, <http://www.nairaland.com/> [1.04.2016].
McArthur A. 1987: “The English Languages?”, English Today 11, 9–13.
Mesthrie R., Bhatt R.M. 2008: World Englishes: The study of new linguistic varieties, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Modiano M. 1999: Standard English(es) and educational practices for the world’s lingua franca, English Today 15(4), 3–13.
Ogu J. 1992: A Historical Survey of English and the Nigerian Situation, Lagos: Kraft Books Ltd.
Omodiaogbe S.A. 1992: 150 Years on English in the Nigerian School System – Past, Present and Future, ELT Journal 46(1), 19–28, <http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/elt/46.1.19> [1.04.2016].
Omolewa M. 1979: The Emergence of Non-Standard English in Nigeria 1842–1926, [in:] Ubahakwe E. (ed.), Varieties and Functions of The English Language in Nigeria, Lagos: African Universities Press, 14–26.
Phillipson R.H.L. 1992: Linguistic Imperialism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Platt J., Weber H., Ho M.L. 1984: The New Englishes, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Ridwan W. 2013: Definite article usage across varieties of English, World Englishes 32, 23–41.
Sand A. 2004: Shared morpho-syntactic features in contact varieties of English: Article use, World Englishes 23, 281–298.
Schmied J. 1991: English in Africa, London: Longman.
Schneider E.W. 2003: The dynamics of New Englishes: From identity construction to dialect birth, Language 79(2), 233–281.
Schneider E.W. 2007: Postcolonial English: Varieties around the world, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Schneider E.W. 2014: New reflections on the evolutionary dynamics of world Englishes, World Englishes 33(1), 9–32.
Schneider E.W. 2017: Models of English in the World, [in:] Klemola J., Filppula M., Sharma D. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sharma D. 2005: Language Transfer and Discourse Universals in Indian English Article Use, Studies in Second Language Acquisition 27, 535–566.
Smith A.M. 1978: The Papua New Guinea Dialect of English, Port Moresby: UPNG Educational Research Unit.
Smith L. 1976: English as an International Auxiliary Language, RELC Journal 2, 38–42.
Soyinka W. 1962: The Lion and the Jewel, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Strevens P. 1977: Teaching English as an International Language, Oxford: Pergamon.
Tutuola A. 1952: The Palm-Wine Drinkard, New York: Grove Press.
Wahid R. 2013: Definite Article Usage Across Varieties of English, World Englishes 32(1), 23–41.
Walsh N. 1967: Distinguishing Types and varieties of English in Nigeria, Journal of the Nigerian English studies association 2(2), 47–55.