Na początku było słowo. Struktura argumentacyjna artykułów prasowych na temat dyskursu miłosierdzia wobec uchodźców
Kontakt: Natalia Zawadzka-Paluektau
Tom 33 (2019): Socjolingwistyka
Artykuł zawiera wyniki krytycznej analizy struktury argumentacyjnej artykułów prasowych na temat przemowy papieża Franciszka o uchodźcach w wiodących dziennikach publikowanych w trzech krajach: Polsce, Hiszpanii i W ielkiej Brytanii. Zgodnie z przewidywaniami, analiza ujawniła tendencyjność i błędy logiczne w argumentacji przeciwko przyjmowaniu uchodźców w prasie tabloidowej, a z drugiej strony poparcie dla przyjmowania uchodźców w E uropie we wszystkich analizowanych artykułach w dziennikach opiniotwórczych. Zaskakującym wynikiem analizy tych ostatnich była natomiast prawie całkowita identyczność argumentacji, jak również jej niedostateczność, szczególnie w porównaniu z argumentacją tabloidu. Żaden z analizowanych artykułów nie przedstawia tematu z punktu widzenia uchodźców. Biorąc pod uwagę wpływ mediów na wszystkie aspekty życia społecznego, generowanie wiedzy, wzbudzanie emocji i budowanie tożsamości, niniejszy artykuł omawia ważkie konsekwencje dyskursu nacechowanego uprzedzeniami rasowymi na poziomie kognitywnym, afektywnym i behawioralnym, a także rozważa kwestię obniżenia standardów dziennikarskich.
Słowa kluczowe
- Aitamurto T. 2019: Normative paradoxes in 360º journalism: Contested accuracy and objectivity, New Media & Society 21(1), 3–19.
- Altheide D.L., Snow R.P. 1991: Media worlds in the postjournalism era, New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
- Amossy R. 2005: The argumentative dimension of discourse, [in:] Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. (eds.), Argumentation in practice, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 29–42.
- Anscombre J.-C. 1995a: De l’argumentation dans la langue á la théorie des topoï, [in:] Anscombre J.-C. (ed.), Théorie des topoï, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 11–47.
- Anscombre J.-C. 1995b: La nature des topoï, [in:] Anscombre J.-C. (ed.), Théorie des topoï, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 48–84.
- Anscombre J.-C., Ducrot O. 1997: L’argumentation dans la langue, Bruxelles: Mardaga.
- Arendt F. 2015: Impulsive facial-threat perceptions after exposure to stereotypic crime news, Communication Research 44(6), 793–816.
- Atwell Seate A., Mastro D. 2015: Exposure to immigration in the news: the impact of group-level emotions on intergroup behaviour, Communication Research 44(6), 817–840.
- Baker P., Gabrielatos C. 2008: Fleeing, sneaking, flooding: A corpus analysis of discursive constructions of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press, 1996–2005, Journal of English Linguistics 36(1), 5–38.
- Baker P., Gabrielatos C., Khosravinik M., Krzyżanowski M., McEnery T., Wodak R. 2008: A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press, Discourse & Society 19(3), 273–305.
- Bar F., Galperin H. 2005: Geeks, beaurocrats and cowboys: deploying internet infrastructure, the wireless way, [in:] Castells M., Cardoso G. (eds.), The network society: From knowledge to policy, Washington, DC: John Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 269–288.
- Baran S.J., Davis D.K. 2012: Mass communication theory: Foundations, ferment, and future (6th ed.), Belmont, Calif.: Thomson Wadsworth.
- Bartlett T. 2014: Analysing power in language: a practical guide, London–New York: Routledge.
- Bonfadelli H. 2002: The Internet and knowledge gaps. A theoretical and empirical investigation, European Journal of Communication 17(1), 65–84.
- Bustamante E. 2004: Cultural industries in the Digital Age: some provisional conclusions, trans. Schlesinger P., Lugo J., Media, Culture & Society, 26(6), 803–820.
- Castells M. 2005: The network society: From knowledge to policy, [in:] Castells M., Cardoso G. (eds.), The network society: From knowledge to policy, Washington, DC: John Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 3–22.
- Chadwick A., Vaccari C., O’Loughlin B. 2018: Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing, New Media & Society 20(11), 4255–4274.
- Chouliaraki L. 2014: Towards an analytics of mediation, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 253–275.
- Conill J. 2004: Economía ética de los medios de comunicación, [in:] Conill J., Gozálvez V. (eds.), Ética de los medios. Una apuesta por la ciudadanía audiovisual, Barcelona: Gedisa, 137–159.
- Correa García R.I. 2011: Imagen y control social. Manifiesto por una mirada insurgente, Barcelona: Icaria.
- Cotter C. 2001: Discourse and media, [in:] Schiffrin D., Tannen D., Hamilton H. (eds.), The handbook of discourse analysis, Malden–Oxford–Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 416–431.
- Devlin A.M., Grant C. 2017: The sexually frustrated, the dumb and the libtard traitors: A typology of insults used in the positioning of multiple others in Irish online discourse relating to refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants, European Journal of Communication 32(6), 598–613.
- Dijk T.A. van 1991: Racism and the press, London–New York: Routledge.
- Dijk T.A. van 2008: Critical discourse analysis, [in:] Schiffrin D., Tannen D., Hamilton H. (eds.), The handbook of discourse analysis, Malden– Oxford–Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 416–431.
- Dijk T.A. van 2014: Discourse and knowledge: A sociocognitive approach, Cambridge University Press.
- Dixon T.L. 2015: Good guys are still always in white? Positive change and continued misrepresentation of race and crime on local television news, Communication Research 44(6), 775–792.
- Eemeren F.H. van, Garssen B., Krabbe E.C.W., Snoeck Henkemans A.F., Verheij B., Wagemans J.H.M. 2014: Handbook of argumentation theory, New York–London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg.
- Eemeren F.H. van, Grootendorst R., Johnson R.H., Plantin Ch., Willard C.A. 1996: Fundamentals of argumentation theory: A handbook of historical backgrounds and contemporary developments, London–New York: Routledge.
- Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. 2005: Argumentation in practice, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Entman R.M. 1993: Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm, Journal of Communication 43(4), 51–58.
- Fairclough N. 1995: Media discourse, London: Edward Arnold.
- Fairclough N. 1998: Language and power, London: Longman.
- Fairclough N. 2000: New labour, new language?, London: Routledge.
- Foucault M. 1969: L’archéologie du savoir, Paris: Gallimard.
- Fuentes Rodríguez C., Alcaide Lara E.R. 2007: La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Madrid: Arcos Libros, S.L.
- Georgiou M., Zaborowski R. 2017: Media coverage of the “refugee crisis”: A cross-European perspective, Council of Europe report DG1(2017)03.
- Gozálvez V. 2004: Análisis ético-comparativo de los medios, [in:] Conill J., Gozálvez V. (eds.), Ética de los medios. Una apuesta por la ciudadanía audiovisual, Barcelona: Gedisa, 187–232.
- Greenslade R. 2005: Seeking scapegoats. Coverage of asylum in the UK press, London: Institute for Public Policy Research.
- Guyot-Clément Ch. 2012: Apprendre la langue de l’argumentation. Du texte à la dissertation, Paris: Éditions Belin.
- Halliday M.A.K., Matthiessen C.M. 2004: An introduction to functional grammar, London: Arnold.
- Hameleers M., Bos L., Vreese C.H. de 2017: “They did it”: The effects of emotionalized blame attribution in populist communication, Communication Research 44(6), 870–900.
- Harcup T., O’Neill D. 2017: What is News?, Journalism Studies 18(12), 1470–1488.
- Herbert J., Thurman N. 2007: Paid content strategies for news websites, Journalism Practice 1(2), 208–226.
- Hodge R., Kress G. 1988: Social semiotics, Cambridge, Malden: Polity Press.
- Ivarsson J., Linderoth J., Säljö R. 2014: Representations in practices: a socio-cultural approach to multimodality in reasoning, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 299–310.
- Iyengar S., Peters M.E., Kinder D.R. 1991: Experimental demonstrations of the ‘not-so-minimal consequences of television news programs, [in:] Protess D.L., McCombs M. (eds.), Agenda setting: readings on media, public opinion, and policymaking, Hillsdale–New Jersey–Hove–London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 89–95.
- Kotišová J. 2017: Cynicism ex machina: The emotionality of reporting the ‘refugee crisis’ and Paris terrorist attacks in Czech Television, European Journal of Communication 32(3), 242–256.
- Kovach B., Rosenstiel T. 2003: Los elementos del periodismo, trans. Rodríguez A.D., Madrid: Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.L.
- Kozminsky E. 1977: Altering comprehension: The effect of biasing titles on text comprehension, Memory & Cognition 5(4), 482–490.
- Knox J.S. 2014: Online newspapers: Structure and layout, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 440–449.
- Lee F., Swer t K. de, Cohen A.A. 2015: Do the contents of foreign news on television match viewers’ interests? A 12-nation study of topics and countries of interest, Communication Research 44(6), 901–925.
- Manovich L. 2005: El lenguaje de los nuevos medios de comunicación, trans. Fontrodona Ó., Barcelona: Paidós (Original work published 2001).
- Meer T.G.L.A. van der 2017: Public frame building: The role of source usage in times of crisis, Communication Research 45(6), 956–981.
- Mitchelstein E., Boczkowski P.J. 2013: Tradition and transformation in online news production and consumption, [in:] Dutton W.J. (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Internet studies, Oxford University Press, 378–400.
- Nord L.W., Strömbäck J. 2003: Making sense of different types of crises. A study of the Swedish media coverage of the terror attacks against the United States and the U.S. attacks in Afghanistan, The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 8, 54–75.
- O’Halloran K.L., Smith B.A. 2012: Multimodal text analysis, [in:] Chapelle C.A. (ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Perelman C., Olbrechts-Tyteca L. 1969: Traité de l’argumentation — la nouvelle rhétorique, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
- Saleem M., Prot S., Anderson C.A., Lemieux A.F. 2017: Exposure to muslims in media and support for public policies harming muslims, Communication Research 44(6), 841–869.
- Scheufele D.A. 1999: Framing as a theory of media effects, Journal of Communication 49(1), 103–122.
- Skowronek K. 2012: Insynuacja w polskich tabloidach a kontekst językowo-społeczny, [w:] Łuc I., Pogłódek M. (red.), W komunikacyjnej przestrzeni nazw własnych i pospolitych, Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski, 497–512.
- Swart J., Peters C., Broersma M. 2018: Shedding light on the dark social: The connective role of news and journalism in social media communities, New Media & Society 20(11), 4329–4345.
- Tindale Ch.W. 2005: Hearing is believing. A perspective-dependent account of the fallacies, [in:] Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. (eds.), Argumentation in practice, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 29–42.
- Whately R. 1854: Elements of logic, Louisville: Morton & Griswold.
- Wodak R., Meyer M. (eds.) 2009: Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London: SAGE.
- Wodak R., Reisigl M. 2001: Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism, London–New York: Routledge.
Aitamurto T. 2019: Normative paradoxes in 360º journalism: Contested accuracy and objectivity, New Media & Society 21(1), 3–19.
Altheide D.L., Snow R.P. 1991: Media worlds in the postjournalism era, New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
Amossy R. 2005: The argumentative dimension of discourse, [in:] Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. (eds.), Argumentation in practice, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 29–42.
Anscombre J.-C. 1995a: De l’argumentation dans la langue á la théorie des topoï, [in:] Anscombre J.-C. (ed.), Théorie des topoï, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 11–47.
Anscombre J.-C. 1995b: La nature des topoï, [in:] Anscombre J.-C. (ed.), Théorie des topoï, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 48–84.
Anscombre J.-C., Ducrot O. 1997: L’argumentation dans la langue, Bruxelles: Mardaga.
Arendt F. 2015: Impulsive facial-threat perceptions after exposure to stereotypic crime news, Communication Research 44(6), 793–816.
Atwell Seate A., Mastro D. 2015: Exposure to immigration in the news: the impact of group-level emotions on intergroup behaviour, Communication Research 44(6), 817–840.
Baker P., Gabrielatos C. 2008: Fleeing, sneaking, flooding: A corpus analysis of discursive constructions of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press, 1996–2005, Journal of English Linguistics 36(1), 5–38.
Baker P., Gabrielatos C., Khosravinik M., Krzyżanowski M., McEnery T., Wodak R. 2008: A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press, Discourse & Society 19(3), 273–305.
Bar F., Galperin H. 2005: Geeks, beaurocrats and cowboys: deploying internet infrastructure, the wireless way, [in:] Castells M., Cardoso G. (eds.), The network society: From knowledge to policy, Washington, DC: John Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 269–288.
Baran S.J., Davis D.K. 2012: Mass communication theory: Foundations, ferment, and future (6th ed.), Belmont, Calif.: Thomson Wadsworth.
Bartlett T. 2014: Analysing power in language: a practical guide, London–New York: Routledge.
Bonfadelli H. 2002: The Internet and knowledge gaps. A theoretical and empirical investigation, European Journal of Communication 17(1), 65–84.
Bustamante E. 2004: Cultural industries in the Digital Age: some provisional conclusions, trans. Schlesinger P., Lugo J., Media, Culture & Society, 26(6), 803–820.
Castells M. 2005: The network society: From knowledge to policy, [in:] Castells M., Cardoso G. (eds.), The network society: From knowledge to policy, Washington, DC: John Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 3–22.
Chadwick A., Vaccari C., O’Loughlin B. 2018: Do tabloids poison the well of social media? Explaining democratically dysfunctional news sharing, New Media & Society 20(11), 4255–4274.
Chouliaraki L. 2014: Towards an analytics of mediation, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 253–275.
Conill J. 2004: Economía ética de los medios de comunicación, [in:] Conill J., Gozálvez V. (eds.), Ética de los medios. Una apuesta por la ciudadanía audiovisual, Barcelona: Gedisa, 137–159.
Correa García R.I. 2011: Imagen y control social. Manifiesto por una mirada insurgente, Barcelona: Icaria.
Cotter C. 2001: Discourse and media, [in:] Schiffrin D., Tannen D., Hamilton H. (eds.), The handbook of discourse analysis, Malden–Oxford–Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 416–431.
Devlin A.M., Grant C. 2017: The sexually frustrated, the dumb and the libtard traitors: A typology of insults used in the positioning of multiple others in Irish online discourse relating to refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants, European Journal of Communication 32(6), 598–613.
Dijk T.A. van 1991: Racism and the press, London–New York: Routledge.
Dijk T.A. van 2008: Critical discourse analysis, [in:] Schiffrin D., Tannen D., Hamilton H. (eds.), The handbook of discourse analysis, Malden– Oxford–Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 416–431.
Dijk T.A. van 2014: Discourse and knowledge: A sociocognitive approach, Cambridge University Press.
Dixon T.L. 2015: Good guys are still always in white? Positive change and continued misrepresentation of race and crime on local television news, Communication Research 44(6), 775–792.
Eemeren F.H. van, Garssen B., Krabbe E.C.W., Snoeck Henkemans A.F., Verheij B., Wagemans J.H.M. 2014: Handbook of argumentation theory, New York–London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg.
Eemeren F.H. van, Grootendorst R., Johnson R.H., Plantin Ch., Willard C.A. 1996: Fundamentals of argumentation theory: A handbook of historical backgrounds and contemporary developments, London–New York: Routledge.
Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. 2005: Argumentation in practice, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Entman R.M. 1993: Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm, Journal of Communication 43(4), 51–58.
Fairclough N. 1995: Media discourse, London: Edward Arnold.
Fairclough N. 1998: Language and power, London: Longman.
Fairclough N. 2000: New labour, new language?, London: Routledge.
Foucault M. 1969: L’archéologie du savoir, Paris: Gallimard.
Fuentes Rodríguez C., Alcaide Lara E.R. 2007: La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Madrid: Arcos Libros, S.L.
Georgiou M., Zaborowski R. 2017: Media coverage of the “refugee crisis”: A cross-European perspective, Council of Europe report DG1(2017)03.
Gozálvez V. 2004: Análisis ético-comparativo de los medios, [in:] Conill J., Gozálvez V. (eds.), Ética de los medios. Una apuesta por la ciudadanía audiovisual, Barcelona: Gedisa, 187–232.
Greenslade R. 2005: Seeking scapegoats. Coverage of asylum in the UK press, London: Institute for Public Policy Research.
Guyot-Clément Ch. 2012: Apprendre la langue de l’argumentation. Du texte à la dissertation, Paris: Éditions Belin.
Halliday M.A.K., Matthiessen C.M. 2004: An introduction to functional grammar, London: Arnold.
Hameleers M., Bos L., Vreese C.H. de 2017: “They did it”: The effects of emotionalized blame attribution in populist communication, Communication Research 44(6), 870–900.
Harcup T., O’Neill D. 2017: What is News?, Journalism Studies 18(12), 1470–1488.
Herbert J., Thurman N. 2007: Paid content strategies for news websites, Journalism Practice 1(2), 208–226.
Hodge R., Kress G. 1988: Social semiotics, Cambridge, Malden: Polity Press.
Ivarsson J., Linderoth J., Säljö R. 2014: Representations in practices: a socio-cultural approach to multimodality in reasoning, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 299–310.
Iyengar S., Peters M.E., Kinder D.R. 1991: Experimental demonstrations of the ‘not-so-minimal consequences of television news programs, [in:] Protess D.L., McCombs M. (eds.), Agenda setting: readings on media, public opinion, and policymaking, Hillsdale–New Jersey–Hove–London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 89–95.
Kotišová J. 2017: Cynicism ex machina: The emotionality of reporting the ‘refugee crisis’ and Paris terrorist attacks in Czech Television, European Journal of Communication 32(3), 242–256.
Kovach B., Rosenstiel T. 2003: Los elementos del periodismo, trans. Rodríguez A.D., Madrid: Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.L.
Kozminsky E. 1977: Altering comprehension: The effect of biasing titles on text comprehension, Memory & Cognition 5(4), 482–490.
Knox J.S. 2014: Online newspapers: Structure and layout, [in:] Jewitt C. (ed.), The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (2nd ed.), London–New York: Routledge, 440–449.
Lee F., Swer t K. de, Cohen A.A. 2015: Do the contents of foreign news on television match viewers’ interests? A 12-nation study of topics and countries of interest, Communication Research 44(6), 901–925.
Manovich L. 2005: El lenguaje de los nuevos medios de comunicación, trans. Fontrodona Ó., Barcelona: Paidós (Original work published 2001).
Meer T.G.L.A. van der 2017: Public frame building: The role of source usage in times of crisis, Communication Research 45(6), 956–981.
Mitchelstein E., Boczkowski P.J. 2013: Tradition and transformation in online news production and consumption, [in:] Dutton W.J. (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Internet studies, Oxford University Press, 378–400.
Nord L.W., Strömbäck J. 2003: Making sense of different types of crises. A study of the Swedish media coverage of the terror attacks against the United States and the U.S. attacks in Afghanistan, The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 8, 54–75.
O’Halloran K.L., Smith B.A. 2012: Multimodal text analysis, [in:] Chapelle C.A. (ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Perelman C., Olbrechts-Tyteca L. 1969: Traité de l’argumentation — la nouvelle rhétorique, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
Saleem M., Prot S., Anderson C.A., Lemieux A.F. 2017: Exposure to muslims in media and support for public policies harming muslims, Communication Research 44(6), 841–869.
Scheufele D.A. 1999: Framing as a theory of media effects, Journal of Communication 49(1), 103–122.
Skowronek K. 2012: Insynuacja w polskich tabloidach a kontekst językowo-społeczny, [w:] Łuc I., Pogłódek M. (red.), W komunikacyjnej przestrzeni nazw własnych i pospolitych, Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski, 497–512.
Swart J., Peters C., Broersma M. 2018: Shedding light on the dark social: The connective role of news and journalism in social media communities, New Media & Society 20(11), 4329–4345.
Tindale Ch.W. 2005: Hearing is believing. A perspective-dependent account of the fallacies, [in:] Eemeren F.H. van, Houtlosser P. (eds.), Argumentation in practice, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 29–42.
Whately R. 1854: Elements of logic, Louisville: Morton & Griswold.
Wodak R., Meyer M. (eds.) 2009: Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London: SAGE.
Wodak R., Reisigl M. 2001: Discourse and discrimination: Rhetorics of racism and antisemitism, London–New York: Routledge.