Prozodia semantyczna. Pojęcie, problemy, przydatność
Tom 29 (2015): Socjolingwistyka
Rozwój technologii i związana z nim możliwość obserwacji ogromnych zbiorów tekstów skierowały uwagę badaczy języka na wzorce współwystępowania jednostek w tekście. Niniejszy tekst poświęcony jest jednemu z takich wzorców — prozodii semantycznej. W kolejnych częściach tekstu omawiamy definicję tego zjawiska, związane z nim kontrowersje, takie jak pytanie o jednostkę prozodii semantycznej czy też zasadność założenia o transferze znaczenia między kolokatami. Wskazujemy też najczęstsze sposoby pomiaru prozodii. Tekst kończymy przeglądem zastosowań opisów prozodii semantycznej ze szczególnym na ciskiem na społecznie zorientowane badania nad dyskursem.
Słowa kluczowe
- Aaron J.E. 2010: An Awkward Companion: Disability in the Semantic Liscape of English Lame, Journal of English Linguistics
- Bańko M. 2008: O tzw. prozodii semantycznej i jej opisie w słownikach, [w:] P. Żmigrodzki, R. Przybylska (red.), Nowe studia leksykograficzne (2), 151–161.
- Bednarek M. 2008: Semantic preference and semantic prosody re-examined, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 4(2), 119–139.
- Cheng W. 2006: Describing the extended meanings of lexical cohesion in a corpus of SARS spoken discourse, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11(3), 325–344.
- Cotterill J. 2001: Domestic Discord, Rocky Relationships: Semantic Prosodies in Representations of Marital Violence in the O.J. Simpson Trial, Discourse & Society 12(3), 291–312.
- Dam-Jensen H., Zethsen K.K. 2008: Translator awareness of semantic prosodies, Target 20(2), 203–221.
- Ellis N.C., Frey E. 2009: The psycholinguistic reality of collocation and semantic prosody (2): Affective priming, [w:] R. Corrigan, E.A. Moravcsik, H. Ouali, K. Wheatley (red.), Typological studies in language: vol. 83. Formulaic language, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 473–498.
- Ellis N.C., Frey E., Jalkanen I. 2009: The psycholinguistic reality of collocation and semantic prosody (1): Lexical access, [w:] U. Römer, R. Schulze (red.), Studies in corpus linguistics: v. 35. Exploring the lexis-grammar interface, Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub, 89–115.
- Freake R., Gentil G., Sheyholislami J. 2010: A bilingual corpus-assisted discourse study of the construction of nationhood and belonging in Quebec, Discourse & Society 22(1), 21–47.
- Gabrielatos C., Baker P. 2008: Fleeing, Sneaking, Flooding: A Corpus Analysis of Discursive Constructions of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Press 1996–2005, Journal of English Linguistics 36(1), 5–38.
- Goldberg A.E. 1995: Constructions: A construction grammar approach to argument structure, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Hamilton C., Adolphs S., Nerlich B. 2007: The meanings of ‘risk’: a view from corpus linguistics, Discourse & Society 18(2), 163–181.
- Hoey M. 2005: Lexical priming: A new theory of words and language, London: Routledge.
- Hunston S. 2007: Semantic prosody revisited, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (12: 2), 249–268.
- Kamasa V. 2013: Naming “In Vitro Fertilization”: Critical Discourse Analysis of the Polish Catholic Church’s Official Documents, Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences 95, 154–159.
- Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B. 1996: Cross-linguistic and Language-specific Aspects of Semantic Prosody, Language Sciences 18, 153–178.
- Louw B. 1993: Irony in the Text or Insincerity in the Writer? The Diagnostic Potential of Semantic Prosodies, [w:] M. Baker, G. Francis, E. Tognini-Bonelli, J. Sinclair (red.), Text and technology. In honour of John Sinclair, Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Pub. Co, 157–176.
- Louw B. 2000: Contextual prosodic theory: Bringing semantic prosodies to life, [w:] C. Heffer, H. Sauntson, J. Sinclair. (red.), Words in context : a tribute to John Sinclair on his retirement, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 48–94.
- MacDonald M.N., Hunter D., O’Regan J. P. 2013: Citizenship, community, and counter-terrorism: UK security discourse 2001–2011, Journal of Language and Politics 12(3), 445–473.
- Mahadi T.S.T., Vaezian H., Akbar M. 2010: Corpora in translation: A practical guide. Linguistic insights: studies in language and communication: v. 120, Bern–New York: Peter Lang.
- Mautner G. 2005: The Entrepreneurial University, Critical Discourse Studies 2(2), 95–120.
- Mautner G. 2007: Mining large corpora for social information: The case of elderly, Language in Society 36(01), 51–72.
- Morley J., Partington A. 2009: A few Frequently Asked Questions about semantic — or evaluative — prosody, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 14(2), 139–158.
- Nordquist D. 2004: Comparing Elicited Data and Corpora, [w:] M. Achard, S. Kemmer (red.), Language, culture and mind, Stanford, Calif: CSLI Publications, 211–224.
- Oster U. 2010: Using corpus methodology for semantic and pragmatic analyses: What can corpora tell us about the linguistic expression of emotions?, Cognitive Linguistics 21(4), 727–763.
- Partington A. 1998: Patterns and meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching. Studies in corpus linguistics: Vol. 0002, Philadelphia–Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Partington A. 2004: “Utterly content in each other’s company”: Semantic prosody and semantic preference, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9(1), 131–156.
- Sinclair J. 1996: The Search for Units of Meaning, Textus IX, 75–106.
- Sinclair J. 2000: Lexical Grammar, Naujoji Metodologija, 191–2003.
- Sinclair J. 2003: Reading concordances: An introduction, London–New York: Pearson/Longman.
- Sinclair J. 2004: Trust the text: Language, corpus and discourse, New York: Routledge.
- Smith K.A., Nordquist D. 2012: A critical and historical investigation into semantic prosody, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13(2), 291–312.
- Stubbs M. 1996: Text and Corpus Linguistics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Stubbs M. 2001: Words and phrases: Corpus studies of lexical semantics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
- Stubbs M. 2007: Memorial Article: John Sinclair (1933–2007): The Search for Units of Meaning: Sinclair on Empirical Semantics, Applied Linguistics 30(1), 115–137.
- Tsui A. 2005: ESL Teachers’ Questions and Corpus Evidence, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10(3), 335‒356.
- Walker C. 2011: How a corpus-based study of the factors which influence collocation can help in the teaching of business English, English for Specific Purposes 30(2), 101–112.
- Weimin Z. 2009: Semantic Prosody and ESL/EFL Vocabulary Pedagogy, Tesl Canada Journal/Revue Tesl Du Canada 26(2), 1–12.
- Whitsitt S. 2005: A critique of the conceptofsemantic prosody, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10(3), 283–305.
- Xiao R., McEnry T. 2006: Collocation, Semantic Prosody, and Near Synonymy: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Applied Linguistics 27(1), 103–129.
- Zhang C. 2010: An Overview of Corpus-based Studies of Semantic Prosody, Asian Social Science 6 (6), 190–194.
- Zhang R. 2013: A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosody Change: The Case of the Adverbial Intensifier, Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 39(2), 61–82.
Aaron J.E. 2010: An Awkward Companion: Disability in the Semantic Liscape of English Lame, Journal of English Linguistics
Bańko M. 2008: O tzw. prozodii semantycznej i jej opisie w słownikach, [w:] P. Żmigrodzki, R. Przybylska (red.), Nowe studia leksykograficzne (2), 151–161.
Bednarek M. 2008: Semantic preference and semantic prosody re-examined, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 4(2), 119–139.
Cheng W. 2006: Describing the extended meanings of lexical cohesion in a corpus of SARS spoken discourse, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 11(3), 325–344.
Cotterill J. 2001: Domestic Discord, Rocky Relationships: Semantic Prosodies in Representations of Marital Violence in the O.J. Simpson Trial, Discourse & Society 12(3), 291–312.
Dam-Jensen H., Zethsen K.K. 2008: Translator awareness of semantic prosodies, Target 20(2), 203–221.
Ellis N.C., Frey E. 2009: The psycholinguistic reality of collocation and semantic prosody (2): Affective priming, [w:] R. Corrigan, E.A. Moravcsik, H. Ouali, K. Wheatley (red.), Typological studies in language: vol. 83. Formulaic language, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 473–498.
Ellis N.C., Frey E., Jalkanen I. 2009: The psycholinguistic reality of collocation and semantic prosody (1): Lexical access, [w:] U. Römer, R. Schulze (red.), Studies in corpus linguistics: v. 35. Exploring the lexis-grammar interface, Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins Pub, 89–115.
Freake R., Gentil G., Sheyholislami J. 2010: A bilingual corpus-assisted discourse study of the construction of nationhood and belonging in Quebec, Discourse & Society 22(1), 21–47.
Gabrielatos C., Baker P. 2008: Fleeing, Sneaking, Flooding: A Corpus Analysis of Discursive Constructions of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Press 1996–2005, Journal of English Linguistics 36(1), 5–38.
Goldberg A.E. 1995: Constructions: A construction grammar approach to argument structure, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hamilton C., Adolphs S., Nerlich B. 2007: The meanings of ‘risk’: a view from corpus linguistics, Discourse & Society 18(2), 163–181.
Hoey M. 2005: Lexical priming: A new theory of words and language, London: Routledge.
Hunston S. 2007: Semantic prosody revisited, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (12: 2), 249–268.
Kamasa V. 2013: Naming “In Vitro Fertilization”: Critical Discourse Analysis of the Polish Catholic Church’s Official Documents, Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences 95, 154–159.
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B. 1996: Cross-linguistic and Language-specific Aspects of Semantic Prosody, Language Sciences 18, 153–178.
Louw B. 1993: Irony in the Text or Insincerity in the Writer? The Diagnostic Potential of Semantic Prosodies, [w:] M. Baker, G. Francis, E. Tognini-Bonelli, J. Sinclair (red.), Text and technology. In honour of John Sinclair, Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Pub. Co, 157–176.
Louw B. 2000: Contextual prosodic theory: Bringing semantic prosodies to life, [w:] C. Heffer, H. Sauntson, J. Sinclair. (red.), Words in context : a tribute to John Sinclair on his retirement, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 48–94.
MacDonald M.N., Hunter D., O’Regan J. P. 2013: Citizenship, community, and counter-terrorism: UK security discourse 2001–2011, Journal of Language and Politics 12(3), 445–473.
Mahadi T.S.T., Vaezian H., Akbar M. 2010: Corpora in translation: A practical guide. Linguistic insights: studies in language and communication: v. 120, Bern–New York: Peter Lang.
Mautner G. 2005: The Entrepreneurial University, Critical Discourse Studies 2(2), 95–120.
Mautner G. 2007: Mining large corpora for social information: The case of elderly, Language in Society 36(01), 51–72.
Morley J., Partington A. 2009: A few Frequently Asked Questions about semantic — or evaluative — prosody, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 14(2), 139–158.
Nordquist D. 2004: Comparing Elicited Data and Corpora, [w:] M. Achard, S. Kemmer (red.), Language, culture and mind, Stanford, Calif: CSLI Publications, 211–224.
Oster U. 2010: Using corpus methodology for semantic and pragmatic analyses: What can corpora tell us about the linguistic expression of emotions?, Cognitive Linguistics 21(4), 727–763.
Partington A. 1998: Patterns and meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching. Studies in corpus linguistics: Vol. 0002, Philadelphia–Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Partington A. 2004: “Utterly content in each other’s company”: Semantic prosody and semantic preference, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 9(1), 131–156.
Sinclair J. 1996: The Search for Units of Meaning, Textus IX, 75–106.
Sinclair J. 2000: Lexical Grammar, Naujoji Metodologija, 191–2003.
Sinclair J. 2003: Reading concordances: An introduction, London–New York: Pearson/Longman.
Sinclair J. 2004: Trust the text: Language, corpus and discourse, New York: Routledge.
Smith K.A., Nordquist D. 2012: A critical and historical investigation into semantic prosody, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13(2), 291–312.
Stubbs M. 1996: Text and Corpus Linguistics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Stubbs M. 2001: Words and phrases: Corpus studies of lexical semantics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Stubbs M. 2007: Memorial Article: John Sinclair (1933–2007): The Search for Units of Meaning: Sinclair on Empirical Semantics, Applied Linguistics 30(1), 115–137.
Tsui A. 2005: ESL Teachers’ Questions and Corpus Evidence, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10(3), 335‒356.
Walker C. 2011: How a corpus-based study of the factors which influence collocation can help in the teaching of business English, English for Specific Purposes 30(2), 101–112.
Weimin Z. 2009: Semantic Prosody and ESL/EFL Vocabulary Pedagogy, Tesl Canada Journal/Revue Tesl Du Canada 26(2), 1–12.
Whitsitt S. 2005: A critique of the conceptofsemantic prosody, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10(3), 283–305.
Xiao R., McEnry T. 2006: Collocation, Semantic Prosody, and Near Synonymy: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Applied Linguistics 27(1), 103–129.
Zhang C. 2010: An Overview of Corpus-based Studies of Semantic Prosody, Asian Social Science 6 (6), 190–194.
Zhang R. 2013: A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosody Change: The Case of the Adverbial Intensifier, Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 39(2), 61–82.